1) What is the Fazup technology?
The Fazup patch contains a passive antenna that interacts with the integrated antenna of the mobile phone. Fazup modifies the spectrum of radiation of the mobile phone in order to reduce as much as possible the emission of radiation towards your head when you call, and towards your body when you carry your phone on you
Unlike other devices, Fazup does not redirect the radiation towards the back of your mobile and does not increase the radiation on other surfaces. For this reason, Fazup can protect without exposing other body zones to radiation, or exposing other persons in your immediate vicinity.
2) How is Fazup different from other products on the market?
- Fazup is the only protective product able to provide such high reductions in SAR (up to 99%) as validated in a laboratory certified by COFRAC.
- Fazup publishes all the official reports for SAR reduction for every compatible model of mobile phone.
- Fazup protects you above current standards by providing global expertise (protective cases that are compatible with Fazup and do not raise the SAR of mobile phones; certified reductions in SAR on foreign frequency bandwidth to maintain protection during your travels).
- Fazup is easy to use, paper-thin, and will not interfere with your phone case (phone case should be non-metallic).
- Fazup is 100% made in France.
3) Is Fazup compatible with new mobile phones coming on the market?
Fazup does SAR tests with each new mobile phone within weeks of it being released on the market. Fazup focuses on the most popular new models and will extend very soon its range of compatible mobile phones.
4) Does Fazup interfere with the quality of reception of my mobile phone?
In certain conditions of very poor reception and on mobile phones with weaker network reception, Fazup can slightly reduce reception. The phenomenon is very marginal in comparison to the high protection that Fazup provides on a daily basis. The fact that the impact on reception is so low is actually on the major assets of our technology with regards to the very high level of SAR reduction.
Note that the level of radiation of your mobile phone can vary from 1 to 1000 depending on the levels of reception. One minute of communication in in extremely poor conditions of reception is equivalent to three hours in optimal conditions in terms of electromagnetic emissions.
At times when your mobile phone has little or no reception, it emits at its highest level and Fazup is then most useful. Furthermore, in certain other conditions of mobile phone use, Fazup can increase the quality of reception of your mobile.
5) Am I obliged to use the positioning guide?
Using the positioning guide that corresponds to your mobile phone gives you the OPTIMAL protection against radiation.
For phones that have not yet been tested for the optimal positioning guide: Apple phones - place the patch at the lower right portion of the back of the phone. Samsung phone - place patch at the lower middle portion of the back of the phone.
Regardless of wherever the phone is placed, Fazup will be able to reduce the radiation emmitted by the mobile phone.
6) What is the lifespan of the Fazup patch?
Fazup is made to last! We strongly recommend that you use our compatible mobile phone cases on your mobile phone in order to protect the Fazup patch. Our patches are very resistant however the levels of friction from the daily use of our mobile phones are very high.
You may only need to replace your patch when changing your mobile phone, as transfering the patch might damage the passive antenna circuit.
7) How are you sure the product works?
Fazup is the only anti-radiation patch to have passed SAR measurement tests. For users who are experiencing symptoms such as headaches, migraines, ear tingling or phone heating up, you will feel the benefits of Fazup almost immediately. The team behind Fazup Philippines discovered Fazup and brought it to the Philippines because of the benefits they themselves experienced with the Fazup patch.
Fazup has been featured on French, Belgian and Dutch national television and is used by several global corporations, including the French military.
8) Can I place Fazup on a desktop, tablets, or wi-fi routers?
Fazup has been designed to be used for mobile phones as they are the strongest source of exposure to waves and closest to the brain and body.
However, even if Fazup has been primarily been researched for mobile phones, it turns out that consumers who are fairly sensitive to waves have tested our product by sticking a patch on devices that particularly bother them, and reported positive results:
On a tablet:
It is recommended to optimize the location of the patch on your tablet. Most often the antennae are on the bottom of the phone. You can place the patch on the back of your tablet, all the way down near the charging port, centered. The ideal would be to stick 2 patches (one on the right and left.
On a laptop:
Place the Fazup patch at the bottom of the laptop, make sure that you do not cover any air vents.
- On a WIFI box:
It is advisable to move the box away from your main living areas as far as possible. You can place a patch on top of your box or near its antenna if you can identify its location.
9) How can I know the amount of radiation emitted by my mobile phone?
ANFR (Agence Nationale des Fréquences) website https://www.anfr.fr/rapports-etudes